atmospheric disturbance

英 [ˌætməsˈferɪk dɪˈstɜːbəns] 美 [ˌætməsˈferɪk dɪˈstɜːrbəns]




  1. Random noise, such as crackling in a receiver or specks on a television screen, produced by atmospheric disturbance of the signal.
  2. Variable structure control of aircraft for atmospheric disturbance
  3. The investigation on the initial value problem reveals that the atmospheric 30-60 day periodic oscillation develops stably on the zonal 3-wave mode, and is independent of the initial disturbance as well as the discrepancy of the basic currents between winter and summer.
  4. We built a small Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor for measuring atmospheric disturbance characteristics.
  5. Due to the adoption of the feedback system to correct the error of compensating light beam's excursion and atmospheric disturbance automatic, the precision has been raised greatly.
  6. Influence of the free atmospheric disturbance on the internal parameter in the topographic atmospheric boundary layer
  7. The atmospheric turbulence is a kind of complicated disturbance, which influences flight quality and flight safety.
  8. And in the condition of ignoring atmospheric disturbance, the dynamic model is predigested.
  9. According to the atmospheric layer stability, different heat disturbance indensity was selected, the hail forecast correct rate increase to 69.3%.
  10. Correlation analysis between solar activity, geomagnetic, atmospheric electric disturbance and weather, climate
  11. On this basis and aiming at non Kolmogorov turbulence, a new method for determining the optimal control bandwidth of the system is proposed according to the practical measured atmospheric turbulence wavefront disturbance power spectrum.
  12. Statistic correlations between solar activity, geomagnetic, atmospheric electric disturbance and weather, climate have been analysised on a day to day time scale, interannual and century time scale.
  13. The effects of the atmospheric turbulence disturbance for free-space laser communication systems are analyzed in the paper, and the correction of low-order modes with adaptive optics system for wave-front error are also discussed.
  14. The Atmospheric Cyclone Disturbance Initiated By Solar Flares
  15. Simulation tests on these factors are conducted. Secondly, two critical techniques of the ground-based SFCW SAR differential interferometry, which are the registration of sub-pixel GB-SAR complex image and atmospheric disturbance effect correction, are studied.
  16. Gamma-ray spectrometry is an efficient, accurate and economic method for uranium exploration and radioactivity level estimating in environmental monitoring. The atmospheric radon is an important factor of disturbance, and can directly affect the accuracy in the results of uranium or radium.
  17. Based on the basic controllers, the longitudinal and lateral atmospheric disturbance compensating conrollers are designed.
  18. In addition, the atmospheric delayed phase cannot be fully eliminated due to the uneven atmospheric fluctuations of different observation time, which increases the atmospheric disturbance phase in the deformation measurement and then reduces the measurement accuracy of D-InSAR.